Friday, July 24, 2015

Windows 8 Hell or why my Internet Explorer does not function properly

Have you ever opened your Internet Explorer (on Windows 8 computer) and find that it has an address bar at the bottom and is always maximized? Well, I did. I have been using my laptop for a while but only a few days ago I came to worked, opened IE and saw this new and unwelcome change. I tweaked it around for a while until magically things were back to normal. And here is what I found - apparently Windows 8 had two versions of Internet Explorer, the hellish one (tile version) and... well, the normal one. To open the normal one, open it by clicking on the Desktop tile and then click IE icon in the taskbar. If it is not there, go to all programs, right-click on Internet Explorer and select "Pin to Taskbar". Hope this will help someone

Thursday, July 23, 2015

How to pass multiple variables to the Arguments property of a Execute Process Task

  1. Right-click anywhere in the Control Flow window and select "Variables"
  2. Create whatever number of variables you will need to pass to your task
  3. Double-click on the Execute Process Task and open it in Editor
  4. Select "Expressions". On the right-hand side, click elipse to open Property Expressions Editor
  5. In Property dropdown select "Arguments", and in Expressions click on elipse and to open Expression Builder
  6. In expression window type your expression. (Example: @[User::Variable1] + " " + @[User::Variable2] + " " @[User::Variable3])
  7. When done click "Evaluate Expression" button then click OK to close the editor

Note: If variables you create are not of type String, you will have to cast them to String in your expression

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

How to rename and/or modify table column in SQL Server

Column rename is done using sp_rename stored procedure:
sp_RENAME '<tableName>.<oldColumnName>' , '<newColumnName>', 'COLUMN'

And column data type and/or nullability is modified the following way:
ALTER TABLE <schemaName>.<tableName>
ALTER COLUMN <columnName> nvarchar(200) [NULL|NOT NULL];